We offer four types of Slimming Solutions:
It is a cold laser light that is applied directly to the skin. The laser light stimulates the fat cells to open up and release their “fat” contents; this is equivalent to stored energy being used during exercise; hence this is a stimulation of the natural process of the body using stored energy and is completely natural. The “fat” contents are made up of water, glycerol and free fatty acids, as they are released from the cell, the fat cell shrinks. This procedure is safe, no surgery, its non invasive and best of all no “down” time after a treatment.
The Sauna Blanket is a Thermal Far Infrared Ray Sauna that uses a body wrap concept to help detoxify the body of unwanted chemicals and break up fatty tissue deposits. The Sauna Blanket has two benefits, beauty and health.
At its core, vacuum therapy offers deep massaging effects. The procedure work well for body toning by:
- decreasing muscle tension
- increasing lymphatic flow to remove toxins and water retention
- exfoliating the skin, thereby making it smoother and more toned in appearance
- stimulating the middle layers of skin for increased toning effects
- decreasing the appearance of cellulite.